Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Teacher Will Ask The Students - 981 Words

A. Hook/Launch: Estimated Time = 5-10 1. The teacher will begin by telling students that February is Black History Month. The teacher will explain that there are a variety of â€Å"heritage months†: Irish-American, Jewish, Puerto Rican, Women’s, etc. The teacher will ask the students â€Å"Why is it important to have these observances?† The expected response is that it provides cultural diversity. 2. The teacher will ask â€Å"Why is it important to know about other culture?† The teacher will bring up the concept of â€Å"Ethnocentrism.† The teacher will write the word on the whiteboard and ask students what it means. If necessary, the teacher will ask the students â€Å"What does ethno mean?† and â€Å"What does centrism mean?† The teacher will explain that†¦show more content†¦There are many who argue correctly that Black history is American history. 5. The teacher will then explain that he or she wishes to tie Black History Month to the topic that the class has been covering: World War II. The teacher will say â€Å"A lot of Black History Month has to do with remembering the movement from slavery to have an African-American president; it is about civil rights. The teacher will then ask â€Å"When we think of World War II, what’s the first thing that comes to mind?† The intended answer is the Holocaust (the teacher will guide answers, if necessary). The teacher will ask what the Holocaust was, who it affected, etc. The teacher will then point out that the Holocaust had some underlying themes that were similar to the culture of discrimination and racism in American at the time of World War II. At this point the teacher will move to the â€Å"Teaching† section outlined below. B. Teaching: Estimated Time = 25-30 Minute 1. The teacher will distribute copies of â€Å"Civil Rights during World War II Timeline† handout. 2. The teacher will present the â€Å"Civil Rights during World War II† PowerPoint via projector. a. Slide 1 – This slide can be displayed while the teacher is distributing the handouts. b. Slide 2 – The teacher will begin by asking about societal values pre-1983. Expected responses include discrimination and segregation. i. Jim Crow Laws – The teacher will point

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